Simple Ways to Pet-Proof and Baby-Proof Your Home

So you recently welcomed a new four-legged or two-legged addition to your family. You must be elated! Now it's time to make sure your place is ready for your furry or little loved one. The last thing you want is for them to get into something dangerous or make a mess. Don't worry, it's actually pretty easy to pet-proof and baby-proof your home.


Here are seven simple ways to keep your babies, both human and animal, safe while still maintaining your style. Follow these tips and you'll all be able to enjoy your space without worry. After all, there's enough stress that comes with a new family member, the least you can do is make your home hazard-free!

Pet-Proof Your Home: Hide Hazards and Block Access
To pet-proof your home, you need to look at it from a four-legged friend's perspective. Get down on your hands and knees and see what hazards you can spot that your furry pal might get into.
1. Hide any loose cords, chargers or wires that could be chewed. Tuck them behind furniture or inside cord covers.
2. Block access to trash cans, litter boxes and compost bins. Use motion-activated air sprayers, double-sided tape or heavy furniture to create barriers.
3. Keep people food, houseplants, medications and cleaning supplies out of reach. Secure cabinets and pantry doors or install childproof locks.
4. Provide your pet with interactive dog toys or scratching posts to redirect behavior from unwanted chewing or scratching. Puzzle toys filled with treats are great for keeping dogs occupied when alone.
5. Be extremely cautious of any choking hazards like small toys, tennis balls, bones or clothing items. Only provide pet toys specifically designed for unsupervised play.
6. Make sure all doors and gates are properly secured so your pet does not escape or access prohibited areas. Install pet gates, door guards or wireless containment systems if needed.
Keeping your home safe for pets and babies is all about managing risks through restricting access, removal or securing potential hazards, providing proper containment and redirecting behaviour to appropriate outlets. With a few simple changes, you'll have peace of mind knowing your four-legged and two-legged loved ones are protected.


Baby-Proof for Crawling Cuties: Use Safety Gates and Corner/Edge Bumpers

Once your little one starts crawling, it's time to baby-proof your home.
1. Safety gates are a must for stairways, balconies, and restricting access to certain areas. Look for hardware-mounted gates that are difficult for kids to knock over.
2. You'll also want corner and edge bumpers to soften sharp corners and edges on tables, counters, and other furniture. These bumpers help prevent injuries from falls and collisions.
3. Use safety gates to block stairways and restrict access to areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and balconies. Hardware-mounted gates are best.
4. Apply corner and edge bumpers to tables, counters, coffee tables, and other hard surfaces. These cushions help prevent injuries if your little crawler falls or bumps into something.
5. Get down on your hands and knees to look for any other potential hazards at your child's eye level. Look for small objects that could be choking hazards as well as sharp edges.
6. Use safety locks to secure cabinets and drawers that contain chemicals, cutlery, or small objects. Magnetic locks are convenient since you won't need a key to open them.
7. Place slip-resistant pads under rugs, mats, and furniture legs to prevent tripping. Double-sided tape also works well for securing rugs and mats to the floor.
8. Make sure TVs, bookshelves, and other heavy furniture are securely mounted to walls to prevent tipping over.
Anchors and straps can help stabilize unmounted furniture.
Keeping your home safe for a crawling baby may seem tedious, but their health and safety should be top priority. Staying one step ahead of their development will help ensure many years of fun and discovery with your little explorer!


Keep Certain Areas Off Limits: Designate Pet/Baby-Free Zones

1. To keep your furry and little loved ones safe, designate certain areas in your home as off-limits. These pet-free and baby-free zones will give them their own space while protecting valuables and hazards.
2. Keep utility rooms like the laundry room, garage, and basement locked and inaccessible. These areas often contain chemicals, tools, and machinery that could seriously harm pets and babies.
3. Make bedrooms and home offices pet/baby-free zones. Keep doors closed so they can't access wires, cords, small objects, and other dangers when unsupervised.
4. Consider using baby gates to block stairways or pet gates to restrict access to certain rooms. For the safety of both babies and pets, use gates that screw into the wall so they can't be knocked over easily.
5. Provide your pets with their own space for food, water, litter boxes, beds, and toys that babies can't access. Place pet items in a separate area, behind a pet gate if needed.
6. Keep trash, compost, and recycling bins in cabinets or closets with secured doors. Food waste and packaging can be choking hazards, and babies may try to play in or eat from the bins.
7. Creating pet-free and baby-free zones in your home and keeping hazards out of reach will significantly reduce risks to your furry and little loved ones. Take some time to thoroughly pet-proof and baby-proof your space so you can relax, knowing they're safe to explore and play.
The key is planning ahead and taking precautions. While it may require some time and effort upfront, peace of mind that your loved ones aren't getting into anything dangerous is worth it. Implement these pet-proofing and baby-proofing tips today so you can enjoy your time at home with less worry and more cuddles!
“Please note: This article is only informative and should be read as such. To seek professional advice kindly contact your pediatrician or The American Academy of Pediatrics.”